

Turnagain Arm View

Turnagain Arm View

Drove Rt 1- the Seward Hwy, a spectacularly beautiful road that for the 1st third is adjacent to the Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet ( the Turnagain Arm’s name was given by Capt Cook’s crew because the many bays and inlets which caused the ship to have to turn around again and again). Stopped almost every ½ mile for pictures even though it was cloudy with light rain/mist. Saw Beluga whales, parasurfers and Dall sheep.
Visited theAlaskan Wildlife Conservation Center, in Portage Creek, which houses injured or orphaned young animals. Camped at Williwaw USFS campground on the Portage Glacier Access Rd – a really beautiful campground, at the base of the Middle Glacier, with well separated sites.

Come On Kids

Come On Kids

Dall Sheep

Dall Sheep



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