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7/2    Didn’t leave Dawson City until 1pm because of an accident on the Yukon River ferry.  A 40′ motor home (a bus frame that has been fitted out with, usually rather luxurious, living quarters and could cost upwards of $600,000) crashed into the ferry resulting in extensive damage to the motor home but none to the ferry, however, investigation by the RCMP delayed everything.  While waiting for the ferry Arlyne got into a conversation with the woman in line behind us. It turned out that the woman, Nathalie Parenteau, is a well known Canadian artist and Arlyne had bought a tee shirt which had one of her designs on it. Some of Nathalie’s works are quite extraordinary in their ability to penetrate the viewer’s psyche ( see www.nathalieparenteau.com/original-paintings/ ).

Top Of The World Hwy - rain

Top Of The World Hwy – rain

Top Of The World Hwy - more rain

Top Of The World Hwy – more rain

Yuk - and this is just the beginning

Yuk – and this is just the beginning

The weather was overcast but appeared to be clearing so we decided to push on, even though it was late. As it turned out it was a beautiful day for the Top of the World Highway (Canadian Rt 9); a little rain here and there, just enough to turn the road to mud which naturally nicely coated our rig a very rich brown, but otherwise, it was great weather for driving and picture taking. We had forgotten how




Top Of The World Hwy

Top Of The World Hwy

Porter Creek Border Post

Porter Creek Border Post

exquisitely beautiful the drive was; one is literally traveling among mountain peaks, level with the clouds. You have to be careful not to focus too much on the view or you’ll drive off the road and over very high cliffs; the road is narrow and quite twisty so it would be easy to do. Had a nice conversation with the US customs agent at the Alaskan border, he filled us in on recent news and talked about his and his family’s enjoyment of living in Alaska compared to their life Outside (ie; in the lower 48). Camped at Walker Fork, a Bureau of Land Management campground; quite isolated but with good sites and only 2 other campers. We could have panned for gold in the stream by the campground but we didn’t have a suitable substitute for a gold pan, so we had to leave our untold riches in the ground.

More Top Of The World Photos