

Eldred Rock Lighthouse

Eldred Rock Lighthouse

William Moore Bridge - Moore Creek Gorge, AK

William Moore Bridge – Moore Creek Gorge, AK

A gray, foggy day, left Juneau on 8am ferry to Skagway, calm seas and an easy ride but limited visibility. Wondered through Skagway, which was clogged with tourists but not as bad as Juneau since there were only 4 humongous cruise ships in port. The town hasn’t changed much since our last visit, it’s still a glitzy tourist mecca that gets tiresome after 15 minutes. Drove north on the Klondike Hwy (Alaska Rt 98, Canada Rt 2) crossing the William Moore Bridge which spans the 180 ft deep Moore Creek Gorge which is also an active earthquake fault. Because of the fault the bridge is only anchored on one side so that it can freely move during a quake. Unfortunately, the fog obscured a view of the gorge. The weather became foggier and foggier as we climbed towards the 3300 ft White Pass and we crept along at 5mph to make sure we stayed on the road. Camped at a boat launch and informal campground on the shores of Tutshi Lake.

White Pass Summit, AK

White Pass Summit, AK

View From Tutshi Lake Campsite

View From Tutshi Lake Campsite

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