6/4 The Saskatchewan prairies are starkly beautiful, you see a rich euphony of cropland colors stretching out, in most directions, to the horizon – it’s pleasantly hypnotizing. Stopped into a Rogers store in Saskatoon and with the help of Chris who after innumerable failed attempts to sign us up called the corporate headquarters and waded through the supervisory structure until he found someone who knew exactly what to do. The upshot is that we should be able to get a Rogers hotspot tomorrow after a credit check is run, and thus have wifi throughout most of Canada; it turns out that we don’t even need a Canadian bank account. It just shows that unless you find someone like Chris, who is willing to go the extra mile, you simply get whatever quick and easy answer pops into their heads.
Camped at the Saskatoon 16 West RV Park. Nicely set up with spacious sites and a vast field to let the dogs run in. We’ll have to see about the showers.