Daily Archives: April 24, 2015

5/14 – 5/25

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5/14 – 5/25   Well, things certainly didn’t get off to a roaring start; we were hoping to leave about 10:00 but our eldest dog, Tatamagouche, would not answer our calls. After about an hour we finally found him hiding under a fir tree happily chewing on a not too recently departed squirrel. But what the heck, we were off and better late than never; little did we know that over the next week or so I would come down with a roaring cold, Arlyne with some sort of malady that left her wanting sleep most of the time for 3 days and, Tat would develop severe digestive upset – no more squirrels for him. Let’s hope that the rest of the trip will be smooth sailing. Inspite of all this we did have nice visits with Arlyne’s brother, Victor, in Milton and our good friends Jerry and Eileen in Hamilton.