Daily Archives: August 23, 2015

7/19 – 7/20

7/19 – 7/20   Spent a really nice afternoon with friends Robin & Terry, who had moved to Anchorage last year; we walked about 5 miles along one of the many walking/cycling paths, which dot the city, and afterwards had a late lunch at a local eatery, a perfect end to the day.

Alyeska Tramway

Alyeska Tramway



The next day, since it was nice and sunny, we dropped the camper and drove to Alyeska mountain to ride the Tramway. It turns out that the mountain is a paragliding hotspot and we watched pilots jumping off and gliding away – looks like fun, I’d love to try it.

On the way back we stopped at Potter Marsh, a 500 acre fresh water wetland which was accidently created in 1917 during the construction of the Alaska Railroad when a railroad embankment dammed several creeks. The marsh is part of the 35000 acre Anchorage Costal Wildlife Refuge.

Potter Marsh

Potter Marsh

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