
6/19     Left Ft Providence early since we didn’t know what conditions on the 70 mi gravel part of Rt 1 would be; as it turned out, very good but dusty and dirty. Stopped at Sambaa Deh Falls Territorial Park to view the falls. Had a delightful conversation with Ranger Ray who filled us in on the trails, fossils and morel hunting in and around the park. He also clued us in to the goings on in Ft Simpson – this weekend is the 3rd Annual Łĺĺdļļ Kųę First Nation Traditional Spring Gathering which has many games, dances and free BBQs. Walked, with the dogs down to the falls; Tat sprained his paw so I had to carry him back, so we never made it to the falls. Samba Deh is a beautiful park and would be a delightful place to camp and spend several days hiking and enjoying, unfortunately, we can’t dally, Alaska beckons. Left the park and continued; about 5mi further on we encountered a black bear strolling down the road towards us. About 50 mi down the road we had a free ferry ride across the Liard River and several miles after we reached Fort Simpson where we camped at the Fort Simpson Territorial Park.

Liard River Ferry

Liard River Ferry

Black Bear

Black Bear